About Trans-Siberian Railway

The Trans-Siberian Railway connects Moscow with the Russian Far East, spanning over nine thousand kilometers, the longest railway line known to the world. The railway also includes various branch lines that connect to China, Mongolia, and North Korea, and its expansion is still ongoing with the hope to reach out to and connect new countries as well. It was built under the name of the Russian Government in 1891, which was supervised by Tsar Alexander III and his son. It was a great source of attraction to travelers and garnered interest due to its fascinating route and destination. To this day the railway has been used ass a transport system connecting Russia with its exports to other countries and while it is a great source of interest to tourists, it is mainly used by the locals.

Must See

This is the longest rail journey in the world.
The main highlights are:

  • Urals
  • Breathtaking Lake Baikal
  • Ulaanbaatar
  • Ancient Chinese provinces
  • Many rivers, lakes, mountains and green forests.

How to reach

To get to a railway station, you can use the metro or taxis.
Line 1 subway stops near the station and per stop costs 55 RUB.
Taxi is the quickest option to reach the station and it will charge around 600 RUB.


  • The best option to buy the ticket is online.
  • You can book tickets directly from the station.
  • Vladivostok is the last stop on the Trans-Siberian Railway.
  • Trains which marked Firm are Firmeny high-quality trains, with higher fares than other trains.
  • Take plenty of books to read as it is the longest rail journey in the world.
  • Trans-Siberian trains also have a restaurant car.
  • One can also buy food from vendors on station platforms when the train stops.
  • All Trans-Siberian trains stop at stations every few hours for between 5 and 20 minutes, enough time to get off the train, stretch your legs, take photos and buy something from the vendors on the platform.
  • Each sleeping-car of the train has at least two western-style toilets and a washroom with sinks.
  • Trains have shaver sockets in the corridor and washrooms which can be used to recharge gadgets with the right adaptor.
  • Unlimited boiling water is available free of charge. Just bring a mug, spoon, coffee, and other food items.

Visit Time

The time of the journey will be displayed only after the train ticket is booked.

Time Icon

Waiting Time



Entrance Fee Icon

Entrance Fee


The whole journey takes about 6 days and a bed in the 2nd Class compartment costs approximately 36000 RUB. 
If you take a Trans-Siberian train from Moscow to Vladivostok, the trip will take about 6 days and will cost about 11000 RUB 3rd Class and 21000 RUB 2nd Class.

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Time you can spend Icon

Time you can spend

More than 12 hours. It can take upto 6 days.


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