The United Kingdom is an entity made up of four nations- England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, as well as the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. This fascinating region is full of culture and diversity, as well as changing languages, topographies and so much more. A land from yore steeped in the monarchy, England is known for myriad mysteries and an insatiable need to master all.
Dating back from the prehistoric times, evidenced by the mystery-ridden Neolithic site at Stonehenge to its modern status, England has made great strides in all realms to truly stake its claim as being a global leader. England, having all the attributes of fertile land, great rivers, and streams, is considered as an agricultural economy for its people. In the early 19th century, it obtained raw materials from other continents and converted them into finished goods for the global market, and thus, England became the epicenter of a universal Industrial Revolution and the world’s most developed country.
As a tourist, irrespective of the number of visits to this country, it still forms a great destination for travellers. English being the spoken language eases out the communication snags a tourist may have to face otherwise. Good manners of the locals ensure a good time for visitors.
Visiting the Westminster Abbey, shopping at Knightsbridge in London, going on a hike on the moors, exploring the scenic villages, and getting acquainted with the English heritage just lists a few of the experience a tourist can take back home. You name it, it's all here in England. So, pack your bags now for a wholesome, enriching, fun-filled holiday - the likes of which you have never had before.
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