The Village of artists specialized in the making of large numbers of replicas of oil paintings by masters such as Van Gogh, Dalí, Da Vinci, Rembrandt or Warhol. A must visit for art lovers. The artworks are all of the highest quality made by more than 60 skilled artists and sold at competitive prices. Besides oil paintings, you can also get watercolor paintings, charcoal paintings, pencil sketches, ink paintings, traditional Chinese paintings, wood or PU outer frames, artist materials and anything at all to do with art. In keeping with the customer influx and demand, they also have an online portal that carefully packs and ships the products even overseas. Thus this humble art enterprise built on the principles of quality, service, and creation is really carving a niche for itself in the art scene of Shenzen as also of the world.
Reach the Shenzhen Metro Line 3 or Longgang Line, then get off at Dafen Stop and then go out from Exit A1.
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