The Budongo Forest reserve can be one of the highlights of your trip to Uganda and is located on the escarpment northeast of the stunning Lake Albert. Get yourself fully immersed in this medium altitude damp semi-deciduous verdant forest that covers 42,800 hectares, with patches of Savanna as well as woodland. The ever-popular Budongo Forest is credited with hosting two ecotourism sites: Kaniyo Pabidi and Busingiro. Kaniyo Pabidi is en route to Murchison Falls and offers excellent Chimpanzee trekking. Busingiro is home to the Royal Mile, one of the top bird-watching tracks in the country. Many primate species are easily encountered. Aside from chimpanzees, red-tailed monkey, blue monkey, black and white colobus, and olive baboon can be seen. Nocturnal creatures include Potto and several galago species. Also of interest are the high number of birds and butterflies recorded. Herds of buffalo and elephants also visit the park from the neighboring savannah reserve, Murchison Falls. This pristine forest reserve has an incredible number (465 in total) of plant species recorded. Most notable are the impressive giant mahogany trees up to 60m high. Occupying the place of pride amongst the other exotic flora and fauna are the spiky Fagara trees, parasitic strangler figs, and ironwood trees. The sturdy ironwood tree is regularly used by chimpanzees for communication by drumming on their trunks.
It takes 3 hours to reach there. Take a pioneer bus, it would cost 800 UGX.
Sunday: Open 24 Hours
Monday: Open 24 Hours
Tuesday: Open 24 Hours
Wednesday: Open 24 Hours
Thursday: Open 24 Hours
Friday: Open 24 Hours
Saturday: Open 24 Hours
Waiting Time
Entrance Fee
90,000 UGX
Time you can spend
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