Vama Veche Beach is a great stop for all travelers. One can buy wine at one of the many supermarkets en route or feast on fish at La Frontera or try the Cozonac shot or shake a leg to music, especially at Expirat. If you have an ear for music, enjoy hard rock music or soothing melodies in the many clubs dotting the coastline. At night do some stargazing and catch up on the sunrise at Stuf on Ravel's Bolero. If famished, one can have an early treat and enjoy the beach in the morning. It is a wholesome entertainer for all sorts of folk out to enjoy the beachside and to make the most of it.
Located in Vama Veche Village, near the Bulgaria border on the Black Sea coast, It is 264 k.m from Bucharest via E 81.
One can take a train, bus, taxi or car. It is a little over 6 hours by bus. By taxi, travel time is close to 3 hours.
It is 2.5 lei one way by bus.
No direct connection from Bucharest. Instead, one can take the train to Constanta or a bus to Mangalia, then a taxi to Vama Veche. Alternatively, take a taxi all the way.
Sunday: Open 24 hours
Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Waiting Time
Entrance Fee
Time you can spend
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