About Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia is located in the beautiful ETHIOPIAN  ISLANDS. This city has such a pleasant weather that make the visitors love every bit of their stay here. It's compiled with very delicious local and International cuisine that would surely tickle your taste buds. If you are here then do not forget to have the COFFEE  here because it serves the best coffee in the world.You get to see ancient CHURCHES , fascinating MUSEUMS and many more beautiful places.It has wide history with splendid ARCHITECTURE  and INTERIORS  which is a feast of art and you will definitely love to explore it.This beautiful place is indeed worth a visit for its Hisoric and Cultural beauty.

Public Transport System

Main source of transportation in Addis Ababa are BLUE-WHITE LINE "TAXIES "which are minibuses. easily available and very cheap.

Cleanliness and Efficiency

Cleanliness: AVERAGE , Efficiency: MODERATE.

Mode & Cost of Transports

Taxi start -normal fare -2 Birr

Taxi fare for 1km-1.12 Birr

Taxi 1hour waiting-9 Birr

Mini-buses- 2 Birr


Basic Items & Cost

Name Price
Water Bottle ETB 1.00
Cup of Coffee ETB 1.00
Milk Carton Pack ETB 1.00
Rice/Kg ETB 2.00
White Bread ETB 1.00
Eggs (12) ETB 2.00
Combo Meal ETB 4.00
Fine Dining ETB 25.00
Bottle of Coke or Pepsi ETB 0.00
Domestic Beer ETB 1.00
Imported Beer ETB 1.00
Bottle of Wine ETB 11.00
Cigarettes (20 Pack) ETB 4.00
Taxi ( 1 km ) ETB 1.00
Ticket in local transport (Single way). ETB 0.00
Rent ( One Bed Room) ETB 530.00
  • Do dress up very well as people of Ethiopia are very conscious of their appearance so flaunt everyone with your looks and enjoy.

  • Do show respect to the Elderly persons by taking off your hat while talking.

  • Stay away from beggars as there are many beggars out there on the streets.

  • Do lock up your room and luggage as there are many hand-pickers out there.

  • Don’t spit up in public as it shows your manners.

  • Don’t order from the Waitress as it may take too long for your dish to come up.

  • Don’t get into a taxi before properly negotiating a price as the drivers have their own system so negotiate prior to hiring a driver to stop fighting for fares later.

  • Don’t raise your voice or show anger on petty persons as they  don’t hesitate to create a scene.

Night Life

Night life in Addis Ababa differs with every place you go, If you are a live music lover then go for "CLUB H20" .Heralded as it is as the top club in the city Addis Ababa. Beer lovers can enjoy German beer in the "BEER  GARDEN" with beer filled in barrels. Dance-floor lovers can enjoy dancing at "AV NIGHT-CLUB" which is constructed as a 2-level space with comfortable seating on the first floor and below a dancing floor. And if you are a party bomb lover or little flirty in nature then there is a special lounge for you "FLIRT LOUNGE" with its music having gained a high reputation among visitors and Mondays are specially reserved for "ARABIAN-NIGHTS" with Middle Eastern-Music.

Must See

  • If you are a visitor in Ethiopia then it is a must to visit ETHIOPIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM  which is a package of mysterious artistic treasures one of one which is famous named as "LUCY" which is a  partial skeleton of a specimen of Australopithecus Afarensis.
  • When its related to fashion MERCATO-MARKET  is Africas largest shopping mart and the visitors favourite and an eyeful to watch.
  • Weekend nights are a must to watch if you are a party animal in CENTRAL  PIAZZA neighbourhood emitting lit bars and loud music will surely make you dance and crazy.
  • If you are food lover then what is better than a local staple food "INJERA" which is a spongy-pancake bread filled with meat, vegetables and hot sauces.
  • You will surely be attracted towards the sunrise which starts atop the rocky Yeka hill overlooking the area of Megananya to the east of the city.
  • Last but not the least dont forget to have a cup of coffee in Tomoca coffee shop as it is world famous.


  • If you are an Adventure lover then go for PANORAMIC VIEW OF MOUNT ENTOTO  which is the best scenery spot  of ADDIS ABABA..
  • Experiencing Hiking in the EUCALYPTUS FOREST  will surely boost you up.
  • You can recall your Cycling memories by Cycling on the streets of Addis Ababa as the local people are cycle lovers.



No data available
  • Women SCARVES  are best in Ethiopia as they are specially handmade using contrasting and attractive colours by Ethiopian womens which is best for keeping warm in winters.
  • Nothing is  best than taking a COFFEE  bean bag for your home as Ethiopia is famous for coffee and by which you can enjoy aromatic and delicious cup of coffee anytime.
  • You will surely be attracted towards the hand-woven BASKETS  made up of grass or straw which will be a great compliment for your kitchen or home-decor.
  • JEWELLERY  is a must to purchase item in Addis Ababa which surely attracts you with its exquisite designs ,attractive colours, bead work and shells mainly in the form of bangles and necklaces.
  • Ethiopia is again famous for musical instruments which you can find only in Ethiopia like the begana, a ten-stringed Guitar, Dita (five-stringed guitar), Snare Drums, Harps,etc so ,dont forget to collect these items before leaving Ethiopia.

Official Language


Other Language

The languages that show widesp... Read more

Spoken Language

English is widely in use. You... Read more


Ethiopian Birr (ETB)


4.0 (Millions)

Weather Icon


Broken Clouds 15.07°C

Clock Icon


05:33 AM (GMT +03:00)


Ambulance Icon




Police Icon




Electric socket

Type C
Type C ( 220 V 50 Hz)
Type E
Type E ( 230 V 50 Hz)
Type F
Type F ( 220 V 50 Hz)
Type L
Type L ( 230 V 50 Hz)
Airplane Icon

Airport Name / IATA Code


Airport Name / IATA Code


Best time to visit

Best time to visit Addis Ababa is in the dry season from October, November, December, January and February when there is no rain and you can enjoy the northern highlands and rocky mountains and also festivals(Ethiopian Christmas is on Jan 7th). This is the time when many tourists visit Ethiopia and enjoy the many festivals out there.

Moderate time to visit

Months of July, August and September are moderate times to visit Ethiopia with average rain and wind storms which means less tourist inflow and cheaper rates at the best hotels.

Worst time to visit

Rainy season in the months of March, April, May and June bring uncomfortable weather and all outdoor activities are suspended.


Start Tariff: ETB 2.00

1 Km. Tariff: ETB 1.25

1 Hour Waiting Tariff: ETB 9.00

Available service

  • Airbnb Logo
  • Vrbo Logo
  • Uber Logo

Monthly Average Temperature & Rainfall

Local Services in Addis Ababa (Contact directly)


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