Found in Lake Onega in northwestern Russia, the Kizhi Island’s name originates from ‘Island of Games’ and was part of a vital 14th-century trade route between the town of Novgorod and the White Sea. The town itself was founded in the mid-16th century and served its purpose as a defense against Swedish and Polish invasions. Today, the island’s dominating tourist attraction is the Museum Site of History and Architecture in which visitors may find early innovations of the ancient civilization. Kizhi Island is also home to a collection of restored churches, including the Transfiguration Church as well as St. Lazarus, which is one of the main reasons for it being a tourist attraction.
There are no major transport routes. One must visit here by hydrofoil, cruise ship, helicopter, and snowcat.
In the island, you have to see the attractions by walking.
Petrozavodsk is the capital city of Karelia Region, from where one can take the ferries to reach the island.
One can visit Petrozavodsk by train from St. Petersburg.
Sunday: Open 24 hours.
Monday: Open 24 hours.
Tuesday: Open 24 hours.
Wednesday: Open 24 hours.
Thursday: Open 24 hours.
Friday: Open 24 hours.
Saturday: Open 24 hours.
Waiting Time
Entrance Fee
500 RUB for entry to the island per person.
Time you can spend
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