Sa Pa is a village in the Lao Cai Province of Vietnam founded as a mountain trading station by the French shortly after the First World War.
Nestled in the Hoang Lien Son mountains it is home to a few ethnic tribal groups. Watch the locals work in the rice paddies or haggle with the ladies hawking their wares. Be inspired by the natural wonder that surrounds you. Hike the Fan Si Pan, the highest mountain in Vietnam, 11 miles away. Test your endurance over the rocky terrain. Sa Pa is a popular place for trekking.
Spend time with the tribes, or visit the museum and small cathedral. Put on your comfortable hiking shoes, as even the streets are steep.
Sa Pa is 35.2 km from city center Lao Cia
By Car
It takes around 1 30 minutes hour to reach the village with a fare of VDN 14300 VDN
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