Ever wondered what a beautiful country it must be, that produced a thing of beauty like the Waltz? Wonder no more. The Waltz is only one of the many wonders of Austria. Filled with lakes, snowfields, glaciers, and mountains, it is also home to the famed musician Mozart and psychologist Sigmund Freud.
A land synonymous as a cultural epicenter with palaces, museums, concert halls, and equally mesmeric, lyrical landscapes that meander through the summits of the AlpinesThe country is known for its primary river Danube, and a large assortment of smaller lakes and water-bodies, beach-bars and water sports. Like other European cities, the castles and churches too are a sight that your eyes and your camera roll will thank you tremendously for. Austria also has a rich political history, one that you can savor on the streets in the shadows of the Austrian Alps. It's capital city Vienna is always close to the top of Europe's most livable cities' list. When in Austria, do not forget to enjoy "jause", their daily afternoon break to savor delicious tea and pastries!
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