About Durres Amphitheatre

Located in the centre of the city of Durres Albania, it is one of the largest amphitheatre which once could hold 20,000 people. This cultural heritage remained unknown to the world until it was excavated in the 1960’s. The interesting amphitheatre houses a lovely little chapel area, along with the remains of a mosaic and a church-style window. The building structure is similar to a colosseum, but on a smaller scale.

Destroyed twice by earthquakes in the 6th and 10th centuries, the place is now listed as one of the seven most endangered cultural heritage sites in Europe by the organization Europa Nostra. The chaotic urban planning has taken a toll on the structure and has continuously deteriorated since then. Rescuing this site can also help social and economic revitalization of the city.

Must See

  • 2nd century AD houses
  • Elipitical shaped museum.
  • Historic paintings,architechural structures and buildings.
  • Paleochristian mosaics and other roman paintings in the chapel.
  • Old ampthitheatre surrounded by modern architechtural buildings.


How to reach

It is about 3 kms from Durres.

You can take a cab or taxi that would cost 250 lek.


  • There aren't be any signboards.
  • It is recommended not to go during August, since it will be very hot.
  • People with walking disabilities may not feel comfortable.
  • Seatings are high to cllimb and even rocks are sharp in some regions.
  • Don't foget to visit the Roman museum near this amphitheatre.
  • Carry sunglasses and sunscreen. 
  • Start your day early so that you can cover as much as you want. 
  • Stay hydrated. 

Visit Time

Sunday:                                 9:00 am–8:00 pm

Monday:                                 9:00 am–8:00 pm

Tuesday:                                9:00 am–8:00 pm

Wednesday:                           9:00 am–8:00 pm

Thursday:                               9:00 am–8:00 pm

Friday:                                    9:00 am–8:00 pm

Saturday:                                9:00 am–8:00 pm

Time Icon

Waiting Time



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Entrance Fee


There is an entry fee of about 200 lek per person.

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Time you can spend

1 hour


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Overcast Clouds 18.16°C


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